Designers who could make a particular UAV


New member
I work for a company that has a particular eVtol fixed wing with three motors. I'm wondering if there are any designers out that that could possible make the aircraft and what the cost of doing this might be as well.
We are manufacturing and flying the UAV right now. I would like someone to design the UAV in Realflight so we can fly it in the simulation. The cost I mean is your time to design it within Realflight or whatever software its done in.
I am working on a similar project right now. If I am successful with my trial and error, i will share the details of process so you can replicate that.
If you have the CAD ready in other software import that in Blender. Between 3dmax and blender i chose blender cause the interface was less annoying. but yea, import an .obj file in that and name the parts according to naming convention.