Recent content by CatalinaWoW

  1. CatalinaWoW


    This will be my last post, so the regulars on this forum don't need to worry about their cozy little club being upset. 1. If you read the full post you would see that the problem shows up with a variety of engines. In fact it shows up with all of the engines I tried. 2. I have spent a fair...
  2. CatalinaWoW


    I find your advice useful as always, Jeff.
  3. CatalinaWoW


    Just one more thing on the pile of things I don't understand. Apparently the plane in the swaps has been modified since I downloaded it. The Herbranson engine is what came in the GeeBee R3 when i downloaded it. I have no idea what a Herbransen engine is, possibly it is popular in Europe. My...
  4. CatalinaWoW


    "Can you really classify this as a bug... how realistic is the input set of values? I guess that I would take this example out of play simply by limiting the input values. The zero values make no sense. A real bug would be an example with realistic settings expected to occur in any form of the...
  5. CatalinaWoW

    Throttle adjustment??

    For those teaching in a club environment I completely agree that a four channel trainer is a best choice. Having a set of club trainers is one way to get new flyers over the cost hurdle. I also believe that the club environment is usually the best way to get into the hobby. It is not reality...
  6. CatalinaWoW

    Throttle adjustment??

    Alpha 40 in RF is well done, and the Alpha 40 is a fine airplane and a good starter. I still recommend the HZ super cub as a first airplane in real life. You can get into the air for well under 200 dollars. The airplane is stable and forgiving, hard to break (except for the prop) and easy to...
  7. CatalinaWoW


    I wrote a long post on this yesterday, but apparently didn't hit the submit button. I suspect it is a combination physics/coding problem. The reality is that there should be a family of curves describing an engine. At a low throttle setting the curve would rise similar to the one shown, but...
  8. CatalinaWoW


    1. I think you mean send a PM to Chris Mcvey. Will do so. 2. I think we are dancing around each other on the orbital mechanics example. I am assuming you started with an oblate spheroid model for the earth, or perhaps the tetrahedron model, and found that neither was accurate enough for...
  9. CatalinaWoW


    Good point. In this case RF prevented me from being stupid. You can't edit the standard 150 cc engine so I made a copy for the tests described.
  10. CatalinaWoW


    Update with more info for those who know what they are doing. Double checked the results with standard 150 cc engine. 1. Standard engine final point in throttle curve is 1384 oz-inches at 8500 rpm. This engine turns 16700 rpm in level flight per the NAVGUIDE 2. Edited this engine to have...
  11. CatalinaWoW

    Throttle adjustment??

    Very slow response, but I fought the same problem. The easy fix is to download the newer HZ_Scub from the swap files. It has better graphics and far superior physics. Also - the super cub is an excellent choice for a first airplane.
  12. CatalinaWoW


    I didn't want to hijack this thread opjose, but here goes. 1st. In your orbital mechanics case you knew what the models were, knew how they were being used, and needed data to fill them out. For sound business reasons Knife Edge keeps much of that information "indoors". To their credit they...
  13. CatalinaWoW


    Thanks for the responses. I have been through the physics thread, and have used most of the features. I go to fairly great lengths in trying to make my models right, including physically weighing and measuring components, measuring motor parameters, selecting airfoils, and even adding a...
  14. CatalinaWoW


    Don't know quite how i got on this thread, but agree with some of the frustration expressed. I have run into a number of problems in downloaded models, and have found it difficult or impossible to tweak them properly. Even though I have been around computers since they were made by companies...
  15. CatalinaWoW

    G4.5 Problem with motors/engines

    More on spooling problem I still don't really know what is going on, but more clues to help someone with more knowledge. I found that my earlier post on removing and replacing the motor did not cover the key point. If the newly inserted motor is not tied to a component frame (in the engine...