Recent content by edoctoor

  1. edoctoor

    G4 Icon

    When un-installing programs I noticed that the RealFlight G5.5 link in the program list had a RealFlight G4.5 Icon. It isn't a big deal; but since I have never installed G4.5 I thought that this was a little funny. Thanks for the G5.5 updates, I really do appreciate it. See attachment for an...
  2. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    Update: I just received this email from my ISP I had Paul resend an email to the NOC. This issue is a transit issue and is being looked into. We hope to hear from NOC today. Thanks for your patience in this matter Ed. I’ll try to keep you updated even though it is a transit issue. Regards...
  3. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    Bits, Bytes, and nibbles; it is all relative. :rolleyes:
  4. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    Yes, one time Mr. Ryan Douglas joined my hosting session and all the people were kicked at the same time, and Ryan returned and told me that I had an internet issue. So, I did all the normal fixes, and assumed that it was stable, not. In short the issue is between my ISP and
  5. edoctoor

    RF 5.50.019 Beta Full Screen Issues

    Maj. Numbskully, that was my point, as editing the RealFlight.INI was the only way to "RESTORE" the RealFlight window so that window may be re-sized by dragging the edges of the RealFlight window. Selecting, Full Screen NO had no effect, the screen flickered like it would have changed; yet, the...
  6. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    I used and the bottom of the page showed the following results: Download Speed: 4122 kbps (515.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 269 kbps (33.6 KB/sec transfer rate) I did a tracert and I did see an issue... I'll call my ISP.
  7. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    Well I have this Eight foot peace of Styrofoam that is 16 inches wide and I used a parabolic calculator to shape it into a nice curve, I added a layer of foil. Downloaded BackTrack 4 R2 Release ISO and hooked that all up to my 1000mW USB WiFi Adapter w/threaded (RP-SMA) and pointed the whole...
  8. edoctoor

    It took me a very long time to download the Beta

    When I download the Beta the server was super slow...
  9. edoctoor

    RF 5.50.019 Beta Full Screen Issues

    Hi Robert, I am not getting the D3ERR errors; however, I am reporting my feedback as I have a glitch where the settings Full Screen option doesn't return the window back to Non-Full screen mode. Note: When I first created this post I wasn't aware that Alt-Enter would change screen modes. My...
  10. edoctoor

    MP games and scenery options

    While in MP FunFly, I wasn't able to change my Scenery settings if I Joined/Hosted a session with my Scenery settings set to None. WorkAround: Remember to set your Scenery settings to ALL; then Join/Host a MP FunFly session. You will be able to change the Scenery settings while in the MP...
  11. edoctoor

    G5.5 not compatible with swap files?

    I simply pointed out what people are confused about, if you want to focus on my issues, or what didn't work in G2, or delude the firefox tip, that is what you do. However, That doesn't change the fact, that the current means of obtaining additional files is unsatisfactory and unacceptable to a...
  12. edoctoor

    G5.5 not compatible with swap files?

    "It is not their fault..." mumbles Edoctoor I have noticed that people that don't know much about computers naturally use IE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) and when they download a swap file from the swap pages; IE prompts them too uncompressed the swap. When I look at it from the noobs point...
  13. edoctoor

    Multiplayer session being crashed with entering aircraft?

    When I was very stupid and young, I got on my motorcycle with a large bottle and went for a ride, at the end of the bottle was the police and a court date for careless driving. (I was so drunk, I was doing donuts on a sandy beach, and I actually cried when I got the ticket) When I proved that...
  14. edoctoor

    Multiplayer session being crashed with entering aircraft?

    I have accepted an apology from PAGE as he has said sorry to me. I think that PAGE should send a Private message to Mr. Chris McVey and/or Mr. Ryan Douglas or send an email to the knifeedge administrator and say sorry...
  15. edoctoor

    Multiplayer session being crashed with entering aircraft?

    I think PAGE realized that bringing down a server is illegal hacking, and that he may be punished to to the "fullest extent of the law." I think PAGE also realized that we have already called his ISP and we know exactly who he is. I think PAGE also realized that I know who he is by his IP...