Recent content by lazer51

  1. L

    RealFlight 6.5 is a big disappointment

    The poster is absolutely correct. Real flight doesn't have any competition to compare it to. It just keeps putting out the same crap over and over. They have no reason to raise the bar. This is the most outdated and buggy sim software on the market. Then there is the losers like you who bully...
  2. L

    Sbach Fun

    I rest my case!
  3. L

    Sbach Fun

    You fanboys bully everyone here. The OK simply knowing who it came from was rude. i cant believe Bourke allows these idiots to pollute this forum. maybe they work for him anyway, which is even worse, but would explain why they get away with it. If thats the case it doesn't say much for Jim...
  4. L

    Heli's seem slower

    Don't worry he can bite the hardest
  5. L

    Heli's seem slower

    Geeee! :p Im not the only one who shares this opinion. LOL
  6. L

    Rf6 == Fail

    RF is a great sim, that does a lot of updates to fix issues. You need to be carefull how you express yourself here or the fan boys will be all over you.. Ask me how i know this !
  7. L

    Airplane hover - can't stop torque rolling...

    I Can't believe that Bourke thinks these physics are real. No one would be able to learn to hover a real plane if they flew like this. He doesn't want to admit that his coders can't get it right. And yes i fly real 3D and none of my planes act like this. Extremely dissapointed in this attitude.
  8. L

    I want the new G5but what 1 full or upgrade?

    PayPayPay Realflight is a good sim, But the constant updates at ridiculous prices is annoying. The competitors have free updates for life. I know a lot of people besides me are just sick of Realflight hanging us from our ankles, and shaking the change from our pockets. Any sim as expensive as...