Recent content by Stevesies

  1. S

    Steam beta available for 12-channel FlightAxis Link

    Yes is it possible to path DVD or Horizon Hobby Tower versions? Very exciting, I'm keen to try out the new channels!
  2. S

    Feature Requests

    Agreed with Jenner and Tridge! An increase from 8 to 12 channels would be very useful! 8 channels has got me cornered at the moment:S. The addition of vehicle inertia as an output would also be handy! Hopefully an opportunity comes up for custom airfoil input as well in the future!
  3. S

    FlightAxis Link - network access to RealFlight for developers.

    Thank you for the great examples in implementing the SOAP interface. Is there a way that the RealFlight simulation can be reset externally by a SOAP envelope? In the ardupilot set up I saw three types of envelops the SITL simulator sends (Release Controller, Inject Controller, Exchange). Are...
  4. S

    FlightAxis Link - network access to RealFlight for developers.

    Hello all, Are there any notes regarding how the Flight Axis interface works apart from the ardupilot SITL implementation? Summary of how variables, datatypes, flow? Cheers,