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I'm new to RF and RC in general. This my first model for RF. This is the Aero Scout from hobbyZone. I'm thinking of getting it for my first plane.

Thanks to legoman for all the help.


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Brand new to the hobby and the sim. I do have the AeroScout 1.1 RTF.
Overall I would say you have done a fantastic job!
The only difference I have found so far is that my real plane doesn't get airborne quite as quickly. Perhaps the power isn't quite as strong as the sim. Given how new I am to all of this it's entirely possible your version is accurate and I am clueless :).

Thank you so much for your efforts!
Hi Donamy! I was thrilled to see the Aeroscout_EA was available as a download. I have RF8, and just downloaded and imported it. I also just purchase the real plane, too, so I hope to learn well on the training before getting airborne. As my Spektrum DX9 has the downloaded setup for this plane, it has the 3 flight modes. Is this something in the Aeroscout_EA and I just have not found the right switch yet, or is it just kind of in SAFE mode all of the time? Either way, I am liking it!
After importing to my RF9.5 I tried to load it and it locked up my PC. Has anyone else had this problem. All my other planes load fine.
I was wondering if the areoscout flies just like the real thing on RF8, I'm going to get the areoscout and would like to fly it on the sim (RF8) before I buy it. I did download it from here, I have not imported it yet.