
Airbus A380-800 79 kg 4 x 92N KJ66 + PitchRateGyro_AV

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Nigel_B submitted a new upload:

Airbus A380-800 79 kg 4 x 92N KJ66 + PitchRateGyro_AV

This is a very easy to fly variant of the wonderful Airbus A380-800_EA created by ViennaLex76. It differs in only a few respects, but improves in many areas:

The four P120-SX JetCat turbines have been replaced by four KJ66 turbines, each producing 92N (nearly 21 lb) of thrust.
However, these turbines only consume fuel at a rate of 237 cc per min each at full throttle (compared to 380 cc per min for the P120-SXs), so the fuel tank has been reduced in size accordingly, from 14.8...

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