Aircraft Select Sort Order


New member
Anybody know if there's a way to sort the aircraft list by difficulty?

I'm doing great with the Coaxials, don't like the Fixed Pitch, and am having fun learning the CP helis, but I have no idea what's a great beginner to intermediate level (other than a few that are listed as trainers). Some I can't get more than a few seconds out of before crashing, so I assume those are the expert helis. It would be great to be able to learn my way up the list and get additional challenge with each change in aircraft.

If there is no way to sort the list, could this be made a suggestion/request for a future build?

Difficulty can be fairly subjective, so it is unlikely you will ever see any such thing.

However bare in mind that larger helis are easier to handle ( both in real life and in the sim ), so if you are learning, choose one of the larger 50-90 sized helis and fly it with the lowest rates and in non-aerobatic modes... e.g. don't switch on idleup1 or idelup2.


Co-axial helis are TRIVIALLY EASY to fly compared to others.... ( both in the sim and in real life ). They give you a TASTE of dealing with orientation, but don't really teach you how to fly helis.

Stick with the variable pitch larger helis...

In the fixed pitch arena, the newly tuned "Watt-Not" available in the Mega-Pack flies identically to one of my fixed pitch helis....
To add with what opjose said:

Fixed wing aircraft with highly placed wings like a cub for instance are going to be much easier to handle due to their low CG. You'll find that most aerobatic planes have central placed CG with wings placed in the middle height of the fuselage. You can also tame down the most 3D capable plane with expo and shortened servo throws to fly easy enough for a beginner.

Helicopters start out at very challenging through next to impossible when you are a beginner.
mwilson914 said:
To add with what opjose said:

Helicopters start out at very challenging through next to impossible when you are a beginner.

Amen to that!

I got into RC because I was enthralled by the videos of people doing 3D stunts with helis...

I purchased a small electric and promptly crashed it just after spinning it up.

Six helis later, I decided that I should really start off slower and researched joining a club...

Realflight and a club visit later, I purchased a trainer PLANE and never looked back.

It took me four years before I went back and successfully flew my first Heli...

That after I soloed on a plane on my second day out.

That is a testament to the difference between the two....