Cellular Tower Object Needed in 7.5


New member
Hi, I need a cellular tower for 7.5. I have several towers in the .3ds and .max formats. I have been unable to convert to .kex running 3dfs2kex . I get a message stating ”The model uses too few bitmap materials. Please reconfigure the model to use exactly one bitmap” . I’ve read that textures must be .tga . Looking for advice. Thanks
Welcome 2 the Forums!

The paucity of any additional information leads to people having to guess
where your problem may lie.
Congratulations on getting as far as you have using the command line tool.
Which one are you using?(3ds2kexbeta is the one to use to export airport objects).
My Guess is your tga texture filename is too long!,should be No more than 12 Characters long.
eg 12345678.tga and must be a power of 2 for example{512*512 or 2048*2048}pixel dimensions.
Only problem i have had with converter is the Ferris Wheel object which refuses 2
work, even tho recognized by RealFlight as a valid Ferris Wheel Airport Object
There is a Poly Limit of 6000 without a Collision Mesh & 20000 With, using the
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Great Info

Thanks for these valuable details.

This is my first venture into creating objects for RealFlight. I did have success creating a virtual tower object using 3ds MAX 2018. I exported the object to the 3ds format. Using the command line I then used 3ds2kex.exe to create a working .kex . One file was missing, a .dss file associated with the .tga texture. I created the .dds using Gimp 2.8 from the .tga . Finally, I placed the .kex, .tga and .dss into the same directory and imported it into an airport in RealFlight. Poof it is there and looks fine.
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