G2 Won't Install on XP


I have RealFlightG2, original disk. I can see the files from windows explorer and when I click on the Cpanel.exe a window pops up and I click Install Realflight G2 CD but then nothing happens.

I've tried clicking on Setup.exe and nothing happens.

I have Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Why in the world won't this install?

I've turned off AVG antivirus and Adaware but still nothing.

Any ideas?

When I got G2, I built a computer and put XP on it. G2 ran fine, so G2 will run on XP. Where did you get your computer? Dell is famous for activating features that won't let programs like RF run. You must run G2 from an admin account, also.
It's a home built computer and I've never, ever had any kind of issue like this.

I am the administrator too.

Your Avatar is quite appropriate! :)

The Avatar is actually for another question. Did you install Windows from a Microsoft cd? Take a look at your background processes. Something is still running, preventing you from installing it. Look at your Data Execution Prevention setting. Also, try copying the contents of the install disc only to see if the CDROM can read it. All these ideas are only potshots, just due to not knowing what you have going on.
Got it! I think it was Outlook.

So now how do I register it? It says the server can't be found. I'm wanting to register so that I can download the latest update.

I tried putting in "Backupserver" but that didnt' help either.

Thanks for the help, I'm close.

I sure wish I could just download the latest update to G2 and save it to disk so I never have to search for it again, especially since I'm sure it's unsupported now.

You are correct. It is no longer supported. So you can't register or update it. but if you get a copy of AddOns 5 and install it, it will update RF to the last G2 release.
"NOTE: The pages in the Unpublished site are not available to the general public. Please do not distribute this web address."

Not sure if that's the last version?

Didn't you just re-distribute this address?
I was looking for a page like that. I knew they had it at one time. I believe that that is the latest G2 version available. I doubt that it matters that he published the address, since G2 is a dead product.