G5 won't install properly under W7 64bit


I've run G5 successfully for several years under XP but get several error messaged while installing under W7. The most recent error message says it xan't find a interlink even though It acknowledged the serial number during installation. I've complied with the Vista troubleshooter page but no joy. Any help appreciated.

Does the Interlink show up in the device manager?

If so are you able to calibrate it in Windows as a Joystick?

If both are not true, then Windows is not recognizing the Interlink.

Realflight INSTALLS NO DRIVERS for the Interlink. Instead it relies upon Window's own native HID drivers.

The first time you plug the Interlink into a USB port, the HID drivers get installed IF there is sufficient power to get the Interlink to come up properly and USB handshaking occurred correctly.

I suspect that is your problem... power or a bad driver chain...

Camera & webcam drivers are notorious at causing problems.

Disconnect all but highly essential USB devices... e.g. mouse & keyboard and then plug your Interlink into an unused port and see if it is fully recognized.

It should be listed in the Device Manager BY NAME.

BTW: I have G3, G4, G5 & G6 all running on the same Windows 7 x64 machine.

Does the Interlink show up in the device manager?

If so are you able to calibrate it in Windows as a Joystick?

If both are not true, then Windows is not recognizing the Interlink.

Realflight INSTALLS NO DRIVERS for the Interlink. Instead it relies upon Window's own native HID drivers.

The first time you plug the Interlink into a USB port, the HID drivers get installed IF there is sufficient power to get the Interlink to come up properly and USB handshaking occurred correctly.

I suspect that is your problem... power or a bad driver chain...

Camera & webcam drivers are notorious at causing problems.

Disconnect all but highly essential USB devices... e.g. mouse & keyboard and then plug your Interlink into an unused port and see if it is fully recognized.

It should be listed in the Device Manager BY NAME.

BTW: I have G3, G4, G5 & G6 all running on the same Windows 7 x64 machine.

Thanks for your response. Device manager recognizes the interlink as a "HID compliant game controller". Calibration isn't successful although the controller shows up in the game controllers window as "Interlink Elite". I can't see how USB power can be an issue because this is the same computer where the program ran for years under XP. I have uninstalled the software. Any suggestions about trying to re-install?
That it shows up as an "Interlink Elite" in the device manager is a good sign.... however it should calibrate just fine... assuming for the moment that it is ok however...

Since you've uninstalled the software, reboot and log back in.

Start by looking for any vestiges of the software in the hidden "Application Data" folders and delete those.

You could also delete any registry entries, but this may not be nessary.

After you've deleted the hidden files, right click on the SETUP program located on the DVD and select "run as administrator".

Let the installation run until completion. Make sure you accept the DirectX9.0 install too.

Once done, right click on the launcher and again "run as administrator". You may or may not have to re-enter the serial numbers...

Bring up Realflight ( you still should be in the launcher as administrator ) and see if the Interlink is recognized. If so calibrate and exit.

Once done run the launcher as a normal user.
That it shows up as an "Interlink Elite" in the device manager is a good sign.... however it should calibrate just fine... assuming for the moment that it is ok however...

Since you've uninstalled the software, reboot and log back in.

Start by looking for any vestiges of the software in the hidden "Application Data" folders and delete those.

You could also delete any registry entries, but this may not be nessary.

After you've deleted the hidden files, right click on the SETUP program located on the DVD and select "run as administrator".

Let the installation run until completion. Make sure you accept the DirectX9.0 install too.

Once done, right click on the launcher and again "run as administrator". You may or may not have to re-enter the serial numbers...

Bring up Realflight ( you still should be in the launcher as administrator ) and see if the Interlink is recognized. If so calibrate and exit.

Once done run the launcher as a normal user.

You have mis-read my post. The Interlink appears in device manager as "HID compliant game controller". The term "Interlink Elite" appears in the "game controllers" window but calibration using that facility fails. I will try re-installing tonight as I'm at work now.

EDIT: I managed to get it installed this time. I only did two things differently. I let DirectX install even though I already have it and I didn't plug the interlink in until after the program finished installing. Thanks for your help.
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The Interlink should calibrate properly in Win7 X64.

Are you seeing other devices appear in the "Game controller properties/settings" window that might prevent it from calibrating?


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