How to use your Radio or Controller with RealFlight

Jeremy Babbar-Sebens

Staff member
Many radios and PC game controllers can be used as a RealFlight controller. This thread will provide instructions for specific radios, as well as general concepts for setup.
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Spektrum DXs transmitter setup on realflight trainer edition. Can't seem to load transmitter. Dongle, software, account all good.
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@doubled1951, can you be more specific about exactly where it is going wrong and what you are/are not seeing?

The videos above are for other radio types, but should nevertheless be useful references. Most of what they portray still applies.
I have a Spektrum DXs transmitter. The realflight trainer is running the program. But
I cannot install the transmitter. I have tried the setup for the transmitter, but no luck.
The video at the top of the thread could still be somewhat helpful, even for a DXs. You really can't change any settings for a DXs (and don't want to if it came with a plane, or else it may not work with the plane.)

First you have to bind the DXs to the USB wireless receiver. That's done by holding down the button on the USB receiver while you plug it into a USB port. The light inside the USB receiver will start flashing. Then bind the DXs by holding down the button on that while turning it on. After a few seconds, the light on the USB receiver should stay on solid.

In RealFlight, you'll have to calibrate the controller as shown in the video. The controls may not be correct, so you'll need to select the proper Controller Profile. There's one called "Spektrum Receiver (DXS)" that will probably be best suited for your DXs, especially if it came with an airplane.

If none of that is helpful, please explain where you're getting stuck and be more specific about what's not working.