Sorry, i should have made my question more clear. Most of the models I fly are of the same size (not sure what scale that would be).
Please define that.
An easy way to convey the scale is by telling us the wingspan of your real world models and the engine size.
Even the models I have dl'ed from the swap pages are consistently very similar in size to the stock size found with the original G5 version.
Sorry that's not true at all.
Models on the swaps vary from TINY foam planes all the way up to huge 50% size planes.
Try a search on the word "50%" and you'll see.
Beyond that, this is an RC simulator and people who try to scale things up to 100% end up creating highly unrealistic planes.
We don't fly 100% or even 75% planes with RC radios...
I have G5.5 with all the expansion packs (except 8) and add-on's. Almost every model is the very similar in size.
Again not true... the Expansion packs and add-ons vary EXTENSIVELY in plane sizes.
I was looking for the models that are 3 to 5 or more times larger than those.
A typical 1.20-1.60 size plane is 25% scale.
Three to five times that is 75% ( not RC sized ) and 150% ( DEFINITATLY NOT RC! ) respectively.
In real world RC aircraft 50% is the extreme upper end.
From Micro to 25% size is what the majority of people fly.
25% to 30% is flown by those with larger club fields and who can afford $1,000.00-$2000.00 USD planes.
33% - 40% is flown by those who don't worry about spending 4K and up on an RC plane...
Most jets are in the 30-35% range.
I hope this makes my question more clear. Thanks again for any assistance.
Not so far...