Need replacement G2 Upgrade CD



My 2 1/2 year old son got ahold of my G2 upgrade CD and marked all over both sides with a permanent marker. I then further destroyed it by trying to remove the marker from the data side.....making the CD forever unusable. I am running windows 2k so my realflight deluxe alone will not work......must have the G2. I registered my software online.

Is there any software replacement policy? What does it cost? HELP!!!! I miss my simulator!
They will replace the disk.

Email or call Derek Bloom and he can direct you on how to get a new one.

Search this forum for his name. He has given out his phone and email several times lately. (He works for KE I think and has lots of answers and can get things done.)

Good luck and put things up a little higher next time.

Wish I could'a thought of something funnier to put here.