New Aircraft Variants

Hello and to the helicopter pilots our there helo I was wondering if anyone would like to have a Saab JAS-39C Gripen fighter aircraft scaled to 50% and/or a Convair F-106 Delta Dart scaled to 50%.
Thanks in advance, Bachem Natter
Did you buy a 1080 Ti yet?

Not yet. I don't want the founders edition, I am going to wait until the custom coolers are released. I think I read that should be by the end of the month. I checked Newegg yesterday and the ones for sale have the stock cooler configuration.
I am not too happy with Newegg at the moment... any good alternatives you can recommend?

Sorry for hyjack... nope don't need any 50% aircraft.
Ha! This thread that I created is so funny I am laughing looking at the first response.
Thank you everyone for commenting while I was at an airshow.

-Bachem Natter
I'll take a 50% F-106, I tried to make one but it failed, so I want to see what you will do to yours. And yes I do need 50% aircraft!