NexSTAR edition updates - where are they?


New member
I have an old copy of RF nexstar that came with my trainer many years ago. I recently re-installed it but can't find updates for it any more like it did years ago. The online updater does not work anymore. I assume because its an old version. Is there a link where those older updates are archived that we can download them manually and install?
You may be better off calling them. Give it a day or two (past Monday) for them to reply.
Nexstar Edition

I just bought the Nexstar Select RTF and got the RF ver. with it, needless to say It wount install on windows 7 64 bit. anyone know of a 64bit ver. Tech support never got back with me after I told them which O.S. i was running.
If you haven't already done so, call them. There was a G3 version released with the electric version of the NexStar that may work better for you.