put real flight on geforce now.

To the developers, how difficult is to make your software available to the geforce now streaming service through the steam portal? This service would have really helped with the high demands of Real Flight X but now that that is dead why not just make every game available to the streaming service? Do they want a fee? is it a difficult process? This service turned my 10 yr old basic laptop into a gaming powerhouse. Games that would be stuck at 10FPS or not even run can do 200+ FPS at max settings with this service.

For those who don't know geforce now is a streaming service where your games are run on their cloud computers and then streamed to your PC. All you need is a good, fast, stable internet connection. All the computing is done on their servers and all your pc does is display the stream and relay keyboard/mouse inputs. I was skeptical but after trying their free version I can say it works and I didn't notice any lag in fast paced games.