Radiomaster tx16 Randomchannel inputs problem RF*

So yesterday i helped my friend install rf with an old serial of mine
He is using a radiomaster tx16s running edge tx
After we download it we mapped the channels we calibrated after calibration
The channels somewhat bugged out i think
It uses channels 5 to 8 instead of 1 to 4
His inputs kept randomly going to 100% for miliseconds
his controller controller the maps airplane selection
Any help would be Great
I think it his edge tx or he just need a dongle
Do some searching here - there are a few recent threads about using Edge/OpenTX radios even if they aren't specifically for RF8 (it all works the same).
Make sure to define at least 8 channels in the Mixer screen of the radio, and that channels 1-4, 6 and 7 do NOT use a 2 position switch as the Source for their control (any other stick, knob, slider, or multi-position switch is fine). Oddly, channels 5 and 8 work fine in Windows if based on a 2-postion switch (but don't have to be).

Windows, which passes along the usb info to Real Flight, behaves very badly without a minimum number of channels being used for its joystick driver.

When configuring the controller in Real Flight, though, you do not need to assign excess channels to anything, if you don't want to. With a dongle, you are limited to 8 channels, and that can be a a couple less than desired for all the major controls in Real Flight. With USB, you can use up to 24 (!) although 12 are generally very sufficient.
Do some searching here - there are a few recent threads about using Edge/OpenTX radios even if they aren't specifically for RF8 (it all works the same).
Make sure to define at least 8 channels in the Mixer screen of the radio, and that channels 1-4, 6 and 7 do NOT use a 2 position switch as the Source for their control (any other stick, knob, slider, or multi-position switch is fine). Oddly, channels 5 and 8 work fine in Windows if based on a 2-postion switch (but don't have to be).

Windows, which passes along the usb info to Real Flight, behaves very badly without a minimum number of channels being used for its joystick driver.

When configuring the controller in Real Flight, though, you do not need to assign excess channels to anything, if you don't want to. With a dongle, you are limited to 8 channels, and that can be a a couple less than desired for all the major controls in Real Flight. With USB, you can use up to 24 (!) although 12 are generally very sufficient.
thx for this information
So if i get it right he should only use 8 channels in the mixer program
Set the right channels to not use 2 switch
So if i get it right he should only use 8 channels in the mixer program
No. They CAN use up to 8 channels if they use the USB dongle. The dongles only support a max of 8 channels. To use more than 8 channels, the Tx must be directly connected to the PC via USB.
channels 1-4, 6 and 7 do NOT use a 2 position switch
Those channels MUST have a defined center position. A 2 position switch does not have a center position.
I'm recommending 8 channels as the minimum. You can have as many more (up to 24) as you want with a wired connection.
As Bill noted, if using a dongle, then 8 is all you will ever have - can't do more.