RealFlight Evolution DirectX 11 Public Beta Update: 10.00.073 is now available

Ryan Douglas

Staff member
We've been knocking down lots of bugs this week and we have yet another update for our RealFlight Evolution DirectX 11 public beta. If you don’t already know about the DX11 beta, please read this previous announcement before continuing. We encourage all RF Evo users to join in! It’s not too late.

The new version, 10.00.073, includes several more fixes we'd like to get into users' hands for more widespread testing (more details below).

As always, we appreciate the feedback from everybody who has helped test the DirectX 11 update and reported their findings so far! Please continue doing so with the new version. We will post updates in the relevant beta forum threads for issues that we addressed in this latest update.

Release Notes:​

  • [84326] Tree collisions function normally
  • [84386] RealFlight starts with the application window size, position, and mode from the previous session
  • [84204] Performance is dramatically improved for high values of the Foliage Density quality setting

How to Get It
See the “How to Get the DX11 Beta Build” instructions in this previous announcement. If you are already participating in the DX11 beta program, you only need to perform step #1.