RF Basic image quality.


New member
I've been running RF Basic for about two years now. Image quality in general seems to be good except that airplane outlines, especially the yellow cub, seem to break up or get zig zag with changes in direction and worsens as airplane gets further away, Detail outlines such as control surface outlines exhibit same problem. The program in general runs well but after a while causes eye strain.
Considering getting RF 6.5 but wondering if I will have same problem?
I'm running an ATI Radian 4600 series with 500 MG VRam on an Intel Dual Core 2.66 Gz processor with 4 GB ram.
Go to your AMD vision control center, then the gaming tab on the left margin. Uncheck "use application settings" under the SMOOTHVISION HD:Anti-Aliasing. In that same section change the filter type to "Edge Detect" in the drop down menu. Further down the list under "Anti-Aliasing Mode" set "Performance" to the middle choice "Adaptive Multi-sample AA".

To further improve RF's appearance uncheck "Use application settings" under "SMOOTHVISION HD:Anisotropic Filtering". 8X should be fine. This will improve textures when viewed at an acute angle.
That's a problem with your hardware, not Real Flight. Check your AA (Anti Aliasing) settings in your graphics control panel.
Thanks guys,

Tried a few things that improved RF 6 Demo considerably but no improvement in RF Basic. I think that may be because Graphics settings are only effective in full screen mode in RF 6 Demo and RF Basic does not display in full screen nor can the graphics settings be changed from the program in RF Basic. Nonetheless, now happy with the way RF 6 Demo displays.

First, I changed the connection to my monitor from analog to digital. Went to high reslution with vertical sync enabled and played with the Anti Aliasing settings in the Graphics Control Panel per your recommendations.

Now that RF 6 Demo graphics are running nicely, I feel more confident that if I order RF 6.5, it will look good also.

Again, the help is appreciated.