RF G2 is in stock!


New member
I don't know about any other companies, but at least for Tower Hobbies, they just got the RF G2 in stock today!!! yeeee haaaaa
Be checking my mail, should arrive in a week or two or so, maybe sooner, maybe later, but main thing is, they have it in stock!!! Yeeee haaaaa
Adlai :p
According to Scott at KnifeEdge, the Upgrade is due out on Monday 11th December. :)

Tower MIGHT have it ..........


Right now when I check my tower hobbies account, it says that G2 is in their warehouse and that it's currently going through processing. Something like that.
Adlai :rolleyes:
The full version of G2 is in stock, the upgrade should be in within a week. According to info. at tower hobbies.:rolleyes: