Trainer-ish Model With Flaps Included


New member
Will someone please help me locate a trainer type
model for G3.5 that includes flaps? (Included,
Expansion Pack, or Download maybe?) I imagine
such an item is rare.

I'm new to RF, bought it many years ago, but just
installed it for the first time. I would like to
practice flying in and out of a short field. The
default trainer goes like blazes, and my pathetic
efforts at spot landings are laughable.

I plan on purchasing a GP Avistar Elite .46 ARF e
and using it with my Skyfly radio. I will add
servos required for flaps. My flying field is
confined (an A-field). tia

Well, I would suggest looking around the swap pages. I've got no experience with any realflight version before 7.0, but what I do know is that the avistar elite is available in realflight 7.X.

this is herco40's stall aircraft for G3.5 check it out also check out junkboy's piper , both these have flaps . high wing trainers are hard to find with flaps on them

another one to check out is the Giant Chipmunk in Add-ons 3 , it has flaps

brentg's bird dog is a high wing with flaps try it

here is another one to try
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Thanks gents. Now I know how and where to look.
If I can't land that Storch, I better take up RC sailboating. :)
