Using interlink versus my iX12


New member
I use the iX12 for my "real" planes. I am planning to get Realflight 9 and the WS2000. What is the difference between using the interlink and my iX12 with respect to setup, channel/stick/switch configuration, etc.... Any thoughts appreciated.

What are most pilots using - your DX/iX transmitters or the interlink with Realflight 9?

I personally use the interlink controller for realflight, I feel the interlink is disposable, meaning it would be cheaper to replace my interlink than my DX9 if wear and tear took its toll on my Spektrum radio.
Also remember if you are using your field transmitter in realflight with the WS2000 you will be limited to 8 channels. Many aircraft in realflight use more than that.
I find it's more convenient to just use the new Interlink DX that is based on Spektrum radios than using my DX9 and wireless dongle. No hassles.
I definitely use the Interlink DX controller. The Interlink DX was actually my main reason for buying RF9 after having already had RF8 and I would say that for me it was well worth the price just for this reason alone. It is laid out like my real Spektrum transmitters and also allows the use of more than 8 channels in the sim. The most you can have using any other interface or transmitter, regardless of how many channels the transmitter actually has available is 8.