

New member
How hard of a plane would this be to model for a first timer?

i got blender, but what else is needed?
Start with the basics to learn the software's capabilities.
Do simple projects to understand the process of importing to Realflight.
Then take a more ambitious project of recreating a real-life product.

mx314 said:
How hard of a plane would this be to model for a first timer?

i got blender, but what else is needed?

When I started making models (and that wasn't long ago) I took on a project that looked good and I still plan to do it, but I bit off more than I could chew, with that project. Start simple, and work your way to greatness. learn everything about your programs, knowledge is your best source to draw from, and Good Luck.
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Hello mx314,

this is a PM I once wrote to might help you:

if you want to start with 3D - Modelling the best freeware programs are blender for 3D modelling and gimp for texturing. If you have accress to 3dsmax you can directly take their .kex - plugin. For Blender, there's already a 3ds2kex - script available that works together with the 3ds2kex - converter from KnifeEdge.

Blender you get from:

If you are not familiar with 3D Modelling and Blender I really recommend to watch the video tutorial from

Watch all of them you will learn a lot.

gimp you get from:

The 3ds2kex - converter you get from:

Take the beta - 3ds3kex - converter, if you creating models for G4 or G4.5. For G3.5 take the other one.

And the 3ds2kex - exporter script you get from:

You should read the thread completely to understand how the script is working. I use it quite often.

To get familar with the script you can also read to a small step by step tutorial from knifeedge concerning exporting to .kex out of blender:

It's not concerning the whole features of the script, especially not the automated way of generating the .sup file and the pivot points via the script but it's a good start.


thanks guys, gonna mess with shapes, and small wings for a bit till they get perfect.
hope you guys dont mind, but your going to get alot of questions from me, i get great ideas on how to make/fix something. just never know how to make them happen.
ha no, but if you want it to be sure lol

is anyone up to helping me model this? like i do some easy things and learn as i go, and you can help with the more detailed parts and such?
I understand the strong desire to have this in the sim, and that is the one motivation that kept the rest of us focused to learn how to create aircraft for the sim.

Unfortunately I cannot help, too many things in my to-do list, including this very same bird for G4.5. But that is far in the future.

It's great that you want to do it for G3.5 plenty of users that could benefit from it.

Good Luck.
I would go with Wings3D . There are many tutorials on this very forum based on this program. Its free and very easy to use and I'm sure that there are way more people here using it so your more likely to get help.

But on the other hand is sure wouldn't hurt to learn both programs.
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