Wind Parameters


New member
Hi, I just installed RealFlight Basic, and am having a ball flying around.

The question I have, is how to set the wind parameters. I see no options for this in the control panel. Do I need to edit/write some kind of setup parameters file to include wind?

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Does the wind function also generate thermals/slope effects for the two sailplanes?

(see, I did have more questions :) )


In G3 thermals were handled more like global wind areas, as many other sims do.

With G4.5 and 5.0 Knifeedge switched to "thermal emitters" instead.

Thermal emitters are invisible airport objects that generate up or down air movement areas.

These are like invisible cylinders that extend above and around the emitter position.

If a positive thermal emitter is placed in an airfield of say 2m/s then directly above the emitter, the air will rise at 2m/s.

As you move away from the emitter the rise gradually decreases to zero.

Global winds and variations interact with the areas over the emitters.

In G4.5 and G5 users can edit the airfields and place the emitters where they like.