Wish list for future releases

Henry VIII

New member
I would like to see:

the ability to edit the size of a model just by entering it's wing span and have the software adjust everything for that desired wing size. So many of the planes in 5.5 that I thought I'd like to fly only look like tiny specks setting on the runway when you select them and I sure don't know how to scale them up to a more friendly and visible size.

You've got to add the ability to add 3d gyro flight to any model, now that Horizon Hobby has introduced it on their new UM planes.
Henry VIII said:
I would like to see:

the ability to edit the size of a model just by entering it's wing span and have the software adjust everything for that desired wing size. So many of the planes in 5.5 that I thought I'd like to fly only look like tiny specks setting on the runway when you select them and I sure don't know how to scale them up to a more friendly and visible size.

I don't think that is a realistic request...

So you scale up a .40 plane to a 150cc size.... what engine are you going to use?
What prop? What weight for the plane?

There are too many variables... all of which you can easily adjust now in the sim individually.

As far as their visual size... turn off "keep ground in view" and hit the "zoom in key" to make the plane as large as you want on the screen.

However Realflight has a pretty accurate "size" of the visual representation.

You find the planes small because you are effectively looking at a world through a very small pane of "glass"... but the scale is right.

Run Realflight on a flat panel TV and you'll be amazed at how right everything looks.

Henry VIII said:
You've got to add the ability to add 3d gyro flight to any model, now that Horizon Hobby has introduced it on their new UM planes.

You can do that now.

Delve into the editor and see how it is done.
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I'd like to be able to mix wings, fusalages, and tail sections like you can with propellers.