Message for all those requesting a model


Well-known member
The place to make your request for a new RF6 model can be found here:

As mentioned in post #1 of that thread, please take notice of your part in providing all the quality information that is possible. The modelers do not have the time to do that research for you. The better your documentation (actual images, not links they have to go search though please), the easier it is for them and the more likely someone will select your model.

Some important things requesters should be aware of:

1. The modelers and CSers do this as personal work. Therefore, your model make take some time, both due to its possible complexity and the fact they have real lives with family, jobs, etc.
2. Be involved in your request and work with them in providing timely answers to the questions that often (OK always?) arise. The goal is to provide you with a model that best matches your request. They are very good, but they cannot read your mind. Work with them but be respectful (asking "are you done yet?", or constantly making changes will not go over very well..). To borrow from a well known hardware store line, you are "building something together".
3. If you feel comfortable and confident about it, consider offering to do the CS and/or physics. It takes some of the burden off their shoulders (and frees them more quickly be ready for that next model). If you get stuck, do a post search , or post/PM your questions-- there is A LOT of help and experience on this forum. In addition to helping them, there are benefits to you:
a. you would learn more about modeling and what it involves.
b. the "feel good" factor that you made part of that model on the screen.. And how cool it that!?

And lastly, be sure to check the swaps FIRST. It is amazing the number of times a requested model has already been made!

While your post has great intentions, this has been said many times before in vein.

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody posted a request in this thread today with a link, if that.

Maybe people will get it this time?:rolleyes: