G4 add ons

Search the swap pages, there is an RV-6 and RV_8 to download, but no RV-4.

Search the swap pages, there is an RV-6 and RV_8 to download, but no RV-4.

the RV-4 is in add-ons 4 so you can get it if you install the free add-ons : -)
https://forums.realflight.com/index.php?resources/johns-rv4_av.9679/ this AV shows you the Add-on 4 has EA https://www.realflight.com/rfl-kb-addons.html i just tried to download from this link and it will not let me so maybe Ryan Douglas or someone else knows more
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https://www.realflight.com/rfl-kb-addons.html i just tried to download from this link and it will not let me so maybe Ryan Douglas or someone else knows more
As @legoman said, those old (very old!) Add-Ons have finally reached the end of the road and will not work in RealFlight Evolution. (Of course, we've added a lot of other, much more modern and higher-quality content in Evo.)

They do still work with previous versions of RealFlight, though. And the files are still there, but your browser is probably blocking the download. When I tried just now using Firefox, it initially prevented the download and warned me about it being insecure. It did allow me to override that, though, and complete the download after jumping through a hoop or two. I imagine other browsers would ultimately offer the same option.

I hope that helps!
I was actually looking for a Flex RV8 10e and it requires a plane from the RF 4 list. I've downloaded a couple of the RV8 60e and am enjoying them. They fly quite similar to the 10e.
Sorry. Gotsta bitch though. I'm not too savvy with this yet and looked forward to using the quarter scale mods of the B-17, A-10, and P-38 that I could only use with AOP3 root models. Sucks and makes me feel like I wasted 200 bucks as these are all aircraft I have built to fly in the real world (Almost 50k worth) and I'd have liked to have had some sim time before they go up. I guess it's back to Phoenix where at least we can just scale up and the physics didn't get all wonky as well as helis actually reaact as quickly as you get them to in the real world as well.