
A380 20% Scale Spectacular Crash_RC

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Was recording a demo flight for the A380 20%. Not sure what went wrong, but it was a spectacular crash right after take-off, so I decided to post it. Although not necessary to view the file, recommend you download Airbus A380 20% Scale_AV so the aircraft will be the right size when you play it back. The main gear isn’t visible on take off; probably because the recording ended in a crash.

Find all 25th Century airliner AVs CSs and RCs by searching "-=-airliner," or all 25th Century files by searching "25cent."

25cent -=-fixed -=-scale -=-airliner -=-multiengine -=-jet -=-100+lb -=-40+kg -=-12+' -=-4+m -=-300+mph -=-500+kph -=-crash -=-short -=-14-11

This recording requires:

Airbus A380_EA

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