
Andy_PC6 TurboPorter 300_3_RC

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Big Turbo Porter PC6 from NIZZ's EA. Powerful and easy to fly. Use 3 position switch for brakes to hold on run-up and to stop when landing. For take-off - brakes on, controls on full rate, elevator full up, move throttle to full on, let the enginge run up until the plane starts to roll, release the brakes, hold up elevator till plane breaks the ground, adjust elevator for 45° climb angle. To land, slow the plane down on the downwind, add flaps and turn brakes back on after you make your base turn, control desent with throttle and elevator to the final turn, steep decent after turn on final with engine at idle, at ~5 feet above runway, flare and pound it in. Hold up elevator and let the brakes work. Expect a big smile when you are able to put the plane exactly where you want it.

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