
Hexa 780 High Contrast_CS

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  • Hexacopter 780-0.jpg
    Hexacopter 780-0.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 110
Multirotors don't have much visual signature. Here's a high contrast CS for the Hexacopter 780 - easier to see and stay oriented when flying in fixed position. A mulirotor can be a big investment. Even though it may take some time, recommend you do something along these lines with any real multirotors you own. There are limits to what can be done with a CS. For example, with some of their multirotors, Knife Edge uses the same UV map for each arm, so there is no way to paint them with different colors or patterns. If you are painting your physical aircraft, recommend making a high contrast between the front and back arms. This CS is part of a 25th Century series of High Contrast CSs for the new RF7.5 multirotors, be sure to download them all.

Find all the 25th Century Quad AVs CSs and RCs by searching "-=-quad," or all 25th Century files by searching "25cent."

25cent -=-rotor -=-multirotor -=-quad -=-14-10

This color scheme requires:

Hexacopter 780 from RealFlight 7.5

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