
MBB Kawasaki BK 117 B2_EA

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    MBB Kawasaki BK 117 B2-0.jpg
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MBB Kawasaki BK 117 B2

This helicopter has always been my favorite. I started creating this aircraft mid 2013 and have been working on it ever since. I finally got it done.

From the technical point of view this is probably the most complex RealFlight aircraft ever made. It contains:
-Detailed exterior and cockpit 3D models
-Animated and WORKING gauges! This heli is completely operatable from the cockpit view with working gauges as artifical horizons, RPM indicator (Engine and Rotor needles split in autorotation), vertical speed, MMI, TOT, N1 rpm...
-Animated cockpit controls and engine power levers
-Beautiful engine sounds resembling the startup sequence of a real Lycoming LTS-101-750B1
-Real airfoil data for main- and tailrotor blades
-Completely animated mechanics, even the pendulum absorbers on the rotorblades swing out when the rotor spools up
-"SASless" flying (unstabilized) can be activated by switching Ch.5 down
-Various camera views like pilot, circling and tail view available for flying
-Bonus: Windshield wipers can be activated, I won't tell you how though ;)

CAUTION: This aircraft resembles a a FULLSCALE aircraft in small, it's meant to be flown scale and therefore overtorqueable and doesn't have crazy tail power. I never put so much effort into any aircraft as in this, so please, only make colorschemes resembling real aircraft and no "400% crazy power yay_AVs". Thanks.


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