3D MOFO 2020!

Mojo 40-E(3D MOFO 2020!)_AV

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Well I decided to do a another new Av of my trusty ''Old Faithful 3d Plane'' In the past I have done other Av's of this underrated 3d plane this time out I decided to try the ''What If?'' idea in which I say to myself''What If I decided to convert my Mojo 40 46ax with Coke Can Pipe to electric with using the same motor and 6s lipo from a Flex 6s 10E size planes?'' this is the result of that LOL. Enjoy! BTW will somebody ''PLEASE!!!!'' make a brand new EA of the Mojo in which it shows a 2-Stroke Engine or a Electric motor so we can get brand new CS's already for this plane ''PLEASE!!!''

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