bud anderson 2

P47_Thunderbolt cameras + guns_AV

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p-47 razorback well since someone finaly put this model on here ive been dieing to fly it and since g5 recocnizes most G3 G4 and 4.5 files ive tried it and loved it now ive made on with pilot views and 8 machine guns and with all the added weight i did a little hot rodding and put a moki r400 and put the weight down on it so its actualy flyable. i changed the flaps to the retract servo. saddly i couldent do the same as i did on the me-109 with the head up and down so its just left to right. btw anyone know why my controller i can use channel 8 just fine but in the edit thing its like it doesent recocnize it plz help

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