
Radial Daze_EA

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After I finished the radial engine I was working on I knew I had to put it on a plane that would show it off a little, so I created Radial Daze to test it on a sport 3D plane. I say Sport 3D because my 3D planes are pretty mild compared to the others I've flown, more of a lazy fun flyer than an all-out 3D plane. But none the less I think they're fun to fly so here you go, my latest profile plane Radial Daze.


The plane has brakes controlled by UP elevator and Smoke controller by Channel 7.

Plane Design: technoid
Physics Design: technoid and doug schluter
Fun Factor: A Radial 3D Plane, how cool is that

The great radial sound you hear is themightypatman's work and he allowed me to use and modify it to create the awesome radial sound you hear from my engine, so thanks Patrick.

And Doug's always a great help giving advice on improvements and working with me on the design phase, so thanks Doug for all the help you give me on my projects.

I need to say thanks to the guys that frequent the Developer's Forum they're always quick to help when you get stuck and offer great advice to improve what I'm working on. So thanks guys.

doug schluter
uncle twist
Maj. Numbskully
adrenoline 60

When you're flying a 3D Field you can use the F4, F5, and F6 keys for the Front, Left, and Right views of the plane.

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