
SR-71 40% Machin' Around_RC

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SR-71 knocks out Tori Gate Summit TFC in just over 4 minutes, then rips the course in just 2 minutes at mach2+ speeds still occasionally passing through arches. Probably the most difficult recording I’ve done.

Find out if you are up to the ultimate speed challenge. Download this RC, Tori Gate Summit TFC_AP, and the ultimate speed machine - SR-71 40% mach2+_AV and give the course a try.

Check out all the 25th Century military AVs CSs and RCs by searching "-=-mil."

25cent -=-fixed -=-mil -=-jet -=-twin -=-scale -=-rf -=-fast -=-mach -=-12+' 4+m 100+lb 40+kg -=-2000+mph 3000+kph -=-tf -=-obstacle -=-longrunway -=-aerobatic -=-demo -=-sn -=-15-1 -=-+

This recording requires:

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird from Expansion Pack 7

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