
West Wings Fournier RF-4_EA

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    West Wings Fournier RF-4-0.jpg
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Just like the original, the West Wings version requires very little power to get her into the air. The light, high aspect-ratio wings provide the right balance of lift and drag to give the Fournier a scale like performance. The inclusion of ailerons adds better control at low speed as well as the ability to roll.

Flight performance is amazing and the time available under full power from the battery pack can be easily enhanced by exploiting her thermalling potential. Remember, she’s a powered glider by design, so why not have the best of both worlds!

The West Wings Fournier can be flown by pilots with fairly limited ability. If you’ve flown a low wing model before then she’ll hold no surprises for you.

Modeler's note: if you only like models that will hang on the prop or do other 3D flying, save your hard drive space. This model is a graceful flyer not capable of advanced aerobatic performance.

All work done by thejeffpn

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