1 Ratings


New member
I've rescently seen a whole lot of people getting upset over the people that are giving 1 ratings. Yes it's irritating but where's the complaining going to get you? Like I'm doing right now writing this thread, it's wasting your own time. I got a 1 on my B-52 and probably on the L-1049 and will probably get 1's on future planes that I put out as well, but have seen numerous people using them online and have been personally thanked and complimented by those flying them as well. Those in mind are more than enough for me to be happy with my work and even happier that people are using and enjoying what has been modeled and supplied to them. I don't need a "rating system" to show that people are enjoying it. Does anybody else? I don't want to try and start anything with this, time would be better spent discussing aircraft and actual problems and glitches in the sim. Yes this thread is a waste of space, I know
Well said Cowboy. Just downloaded CollectiveDT's SU-30MK and noticed that solitary "1" rating. All I can say is " What a S--THEAD".
flip3d said:
Well said Cowboy. Just downloaded CollectiveDT's SU-30MK and noticed that solitary "1" rating. All I can say is " What a S--THEAD".


Agreed, and by the same token "S--THEAD"'s must float up together in the tank!

:D :D :D

Check out Nizz's misnamed "funjet".

It may not be qute as good as another effort I've seen, but deserving of such low marks, eh, no way.
There are just some people in this world who through immaturity, or envy, will give a 1 rating just to feel superior to the person who created it because they are actually insecure and jealous that they themselves could not create one at all or cannot create one as nice.

Then again, there are indeed some swaps that have deserved a low rating.
Maybe its time to remove the rating,if you d/l a file you like, send a pm to the author, you know a lot of these guys do it to get you angry and to see these type of threads

It happens I guess. Think it happened to me today. Who knows. I had a 9.8 and with 1 vote the file dropped to a 9. I tend not to vote on a file unless I think its a 5 or above. Just for the fact that someone worked hard, and they wouldn't post it if they didn't like it. Just my thoughts on it.
WooHoo!! I have to be honest I was getting damn concerned nobody was liking my FW-190A model as it had only received 42 10 ratings in a row. (yeah 42) I was wondering what I had done wrong with the model?? But today my prayers have been answered and I've finally noticed someone is catching on to the quality of the model.....#43 rating was a 1!

I've been informed of the nice persons identity and would like to thank him personally. I would just like him to step in this thread and claim his THANKS from me! :D
Yes It might be someone that is jealous or immature but it also might be someone that thinks its funny. Just look at all the trouble the ones has caused. whoever it is may be sitting at their computer laughing at everyone. Thats why its better to ignore the "1". Don't give them the satisfaction that thay can get to you.
Thats why its better to ignore the "1". Don't give them the satisfaction that thay can get to you

I know you weren't directing that at me but still I'll add:

My post was making light of the situation.....but your remark is really easy to say when you don't contribute any time and effort towards creating files.
The more you guys talk about s-heads giving 1s, the more you gonna get ....
It has been brought up hundred times .... well maybe 99 :D and KE definitely does not want to change things in this matter.
The s-heads are happy they can trigger all our complains, disappointment and anger by them throwing out their 1s..... think about it... :)

Just to get this thread back on track, this thread is not a "whining" thread about getting 1's. This thread was intended to get the people complaining about getting 1's to stop complaining because what's the point? there always going to be there. Just take the sense of satisfaction in your work when you see people using your creation, don't worry about 1 person giving you a bad rating. I understand that 1 bad rating can drag down the overall rating of the plane, but nothings going to stop these people from doing it. So just grin and bare it and know that there's hundreds of other people that are very happy with what you have done for them when in all actuality, you don't have to. Us modellers simply make these planes because we have fun with it and enjoy helping KE and othe rpeople out by putting out more planes to fly in the sim. I personally am not doing this for the praise of others, simply for the fact of it's fun and helps me relieve stress. Getting the praise from the others for the work is a perk to the whole thing and does feel good personally when someone says "hey, great plane"
because we have fun with it and enjoy helping KE

I'll agree with the first part of that quote......but I'm certainly not spending my time working on these models to help KE out. If that were the case I'd better be getting paid.

Truth of the matter......I create planes that I'm interested in....that's the only reason!
Just to get this thread back on track, this thread is not a "whining" thread about getting 1's.


I know you were not whining ... :)
I just pointed out that nothing is going to change unless KE reacts in some way.
I agree with you ... we are doing it ( creating free models) for fun, stress relief and other related reasons and not for praise but as you mentioned above ( below actually :D ) it's nice to hear when people like the design and give you credits for your efforts......

arb6591 said:

I know you were not whining ... :)
I just pointed out that nothing is going to change unless KE reacts in some way.

I know, I wasn't meaning to sound like that was directed towards you. I just noticed some people were getting close to that stage of turning this thread into a complaint session. I don't want that, don't like it either. I would just like people to make light of the situation as pplace had done above with his sarcastic statement of "finally got the 1, now it's a good model" basically. better to make light of a situation that's never gonna change instead of constantly whining about it over and over and over again. gets old :D
sorry pplace. I did not direct my commints to you.
Your right, I have not created any files. I would not even know how to start.
I just hate to see so much conflict in the threads.
I did see your lite humor and enjoyed it. My commint just happend to be after yours and I did not mean to offend you or another member.
I did not mean to offend you or another member.

I completely understand. I even knew or assumed it wasn't directed at me (I even said that in my post)

No offense taken......I'm content with gettings 1's. Just wanted to say most designer's obviously don't care anymore....but for those that do say "Don't worry about it" they might not know the time it takes to create something.....and just not "care" about it.

Anywho....all's fine with me!
Hi folks.

I've personally gone through the votes database and done a bit of "cleanup", in an effort to remove some of the blatant misuse of the rating system. You may have noticed that many of the files now have a higher overall rating than they did before.

This is not a permanent solution to the rating abuse by any means, but it has helped a bit.

While we're on the topic of rating system abuse, I'd like to encourage anyone reading to resist the temptation to over-rate. For example, if you see a file already rated with a "6", but you think it deserves an "8", please don't rate it as a "10" simply to get it closer to what you think it deserves. Just give it the "8" you feel it is worth.
Also, please try to refrain from giving out "10" ratings as just a way of saying "good job!" to the creator. A private message to the creator will do the job just as well or better, without the effect of skewing the rating for the file. Thanks!
Adam Taylor said:
Hi folks.

I've personally gone through the votes database and done a bit of "cleanup", in an effort to remove some of the blatant misuse of the rating system. You may have noticed that many of the files now have a higher overall rating than they did before.

This is not a permanent solution to the rating abuse by any means, but it has helped a bit.

While we're on the topic of rating system abuse, I'd like to encourage anyone reading to resist the temptation to over-rate. For example, if you see a file already rated with a "6", but you think it deserves an "8", please don't rate it as a "10" simply to get it closer to what you think it deserves. Just give it the "8" you feel it is worth.
Also, please try to refrain from giving out "10" ratings as just a way of saying "good job!" to the creator. A private message to the creator will do the job just as well or better, without the effect of skewing the rating for the file. Thanks!