A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV

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A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering, this variant features "balanced" handling in all 3 axes and highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Rates C: Pos 2 = Precision, Pos 1/0 = Mid - Flaps D - Cannon I - Missles F

Tip: Maintain 1/4+ power approaching to land with full flaps.

Bump the elevator to stop tail flutter after overspeed.

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Improved Realism

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering, this variant features "balanced" handling in all 3 axes and highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Rates C: Pos 2 = Precision, Pos 1/0 = Mid - Flaps D - Cannon I - Missles F

Tip: Maintain 1/4+ power approaching to land with full flaps.

Bump the elevator to stop tail flutter after overspeed.

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Improved realism through the entire envelope

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering and "balanced" control responses in all 3 axes for highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Cannon C Pos 1 - Rockets C Pos 0 - Flaps D

Tip: Maintain 1/4+ power approaching to land with full flaps.

Bump the elevator to stop the tail flutter that will occur when an overspeed occurs...

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Improved realism

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering and "balanced" control responses in all 3 axes for highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Cannon C Pos 1 - Rockets C Pos 0 - Flaps D

Tip: Maintain 1/4+ power approaching to land with full flaps.

Bump the elevator to stop the tail flutter that will occur when an overspeed occurs...

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Improved handling

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering and "balanced" control responses in all 3 axes for highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Cannon C Pos 1 - Rockets C Pos 0 - Flaps D

Tip: Maintain some power approaching to land with full flaps.

Aircraft Variant Download & Installation Instructions
Spektrum TX w-Dongle Setup Instructions

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Latest 2/24/24

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering and "balanced" control responses in all 3 axes for highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Cannon C Pos 1 - Rockets C Pos 0 - Flaps D

RF Evolution users may have to add 15% more aileron to get desired response.

Aircraft Variant Download & Installation Instructions
Spektrum TX w-Dongle Setup Instructions...

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RCFS updated A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by RCFS_AV with a new update entry:

Refined Realism

A-10 Big Turbine (InterLink) by 1st RC Flight School. Optimized for low level aggressive maneuvering and "balanced" control responses in all 3 axes for highly realistic performance.

Switch A = Retracts - Brakes B - Cannon C Pos 1 - Rockets C Pos 0 - Flaps D

RF Evolution users may have to add 15% more aileron to get desired response.


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