Airport design


New member
Good Morning all,
I’ve got a small problem, (I now what your thinking but no, that’s not my problem, well yes it is but not relating to this question) I need to rotate a object so it is facing the correct position, when building an airport? Also how are the soccer light fixtures turn on?
I’m not 14 yrs old
curtwithac said:
Good Morning all,
I’ve got a small problem, (I now what your thinking but no, that’s not my problem, well yes it is but not relating to this question) I need to rotate a object so it is facing the correct position, when building an airport? Also how are the soccer light fixtures turn on?
I’m not 14 yrs old

You can either change its physical properties in the eidtor (Size angle etc). Or you can select it with the mouse, Hold down the Shift key and move the mouse to rotate it. Also if you wish to change size, Hold down the CRTL key and roll the center mouse wheel (If you have one).
