All in one expansion


New member
I like Realflight. I like it enough that I bought an expansion to get the F-22. I'd like to have the rest of the content, however spending $250+ for all of the content seems a bit steep. Also having 9 disks seems a bit much.

Is there any way we could get an all in one expansion?

If it was available for download on this site you could save on the distribution medium while and pick up the profit that the middle man (reseller) is currently getting. The basic infrastructure appears to already be setup with the update feature currently in place. I'd guess Knife Edge would have to pay a little more for the extra bandwidth required, but the money saved in production should be more than enough to make up for it. Doing so might also make upgrading to a new version easier and more appealing.

Doing the above would be a win for everyone. The all in one expansion could be released cheaper and more may purchase it. Even if the expansions were left separate they might be cheaper on their own.
Just a couple days ago, we were discussing what ideas us customers could come up with so that KE could make more money. Thank you for the suggestion.
Devil's advocate; what about some of us that have some but not all the Expansion Packs? We have paid for many of them but not all of them. Why should the one timer get it cheaper?

I think the current system is just fine... my opinion and everyone has one.
I was just telling my wife about our extreme sense of altruism for KE's continued success. She had a suggestion, too!! She said KE should have a "Best of" Expansion Pack, so that the newbie could get the hot models all on one disc. I don't see any flaws in that idea, do you? :D
Sound good to me. I really want the city from exp 3, but I've already burned myself out on buying them discs.
what about a "buffet" or "build your own" expansion pack via download. You pay your $25 or so and you can choose 3 flying sites,4 helicopters and 6 planes from all the different expansion packs ??
I'd like to see an "iTunes like" ability to download individual models or flying sites for a reasonable fee. Kind of like the swap pages, but you pay for the content.

I like the buffet Idea
as I'm mainly into gliders and most ex.packs usually only have 1or 2 in them

but thats ok...............really there are more free gliders at swaps than on all of the ex.packs combined :D
I too like that idea... really could work into something. I don't know what that would do to their sales, so that would be the deciding factor.

It would be great to pick and choose what you want.
It's called a joke. He's willing to buy planes, I make custom content. It's just not funny when when you have to explain it. Lighten up.
Jeff you pointed me to this thread?

You PM me about this thread as some sort of validation for the last thread where you settled into me (again) with your, "If I only had a nickle for everytime some idiot told KE to do something, I'd have a whole buck-fifty by now..." mantra.

Notice I commented on your 3rd sarcastic reply on the same thread. It comes across as passive aggressive behaviour and you're probably not inspring folks to stick around. I'd like to see this board grow beyond the 12 typical users engrossed in a never-ending conversation across every thread. Why attack newbs with sarcasm? ...I hope he sticks around.

I'm sure if we were all in a room together chatting the tone would be better understood as humor, and maybe people would take it differently. Ya know, maybe that's it, I'll look around for some of you guys on multi-player and just say hello in person. Jeff, I'm sure you're a decent guy.
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Oh BTW: Yel, welcome to the board. It's nice to have you here!

Although, I doubt it would ever come to pass. I'd love to see a buffet-style downloadable content option for the add-on planes.

On the one hand, it seems as though the addons are padded with a few throw-away planes, and you're basically paying for the 2 or 3 you really want.

On the other hand, I have also found that I've been pleasantly surprised to try out a few of them that I didn't think I'd like (and therefore would not have paid for in a buffet style approach) and they ended up becoming some of my favorites.

So although I'd like to see the buffet, I also have to acknowledge that I would potentially be losing out on those pleasant discoveries.
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You don't have to say it, it's the attitude that comes across... Your avatar sort of sets the tone, particularly for people that don't know you from Adam.

Anyway, I'll be looking for you in multi-player, looking forward to chatting.
If you go looking for a reason to be upset, you're going to find one. I'm sorry you don't take my comments at face value. That's your problem, not mine.
It was just a thought guys.

I do know that there is plenty of content available for free, and that anyone with 3DSMax, some time, and the ability to read can make content.

I doubtful that an a la carte approach would work. As was said previously, people get these packs for one or two airframes. The rest of them... while cool... are more or less filler in my opinion. It's kind of like cable TV.

I have enjoyed the content that the sim came with as well as expansion #2. They look and work better then much of the user generated content I've sampled. Recently I saw a new expansion came out. The thing is, with the price of the expansion packs vs free content, I don't picture myself ever buying another expansion pack (unless they were to release a RealRace or all in one expansion).

I was looking to say this tactfully and give a possible option that could make Knife Edge and us happy with a compromise. Something that makes use of the stuff that most will never buy, possibly at a cut rate.
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