an unexepted Error ...



I have implemented a little bug, but I cann't find it.

When you select the Logo 500 3D Vbar for flying it types an Missing Component Frame'' at the screen.

Some users also told my that thy get an "unexepted error" when they crash the model. And then G3 is closing.

Do someone know what failure I have made?
I can't find the missing component, because G3 didn't specify wich component doesn't exists.

The only thing I know to havn't implementet are the Leadlags for the paddle because I do not want to see them on the model.

The missing component is now implemented and also collision mesh's were created, so ther is no Error when selecting the Logo.

However the Unexepted Error is still generated until flying (and crashing) approx. 15 to 30 minutes.

Do someone know where the logfile, wich the error want to send, is stored?
Maybe the file could help finding the problem.
I'm not sure what's going on for you, but I remember reading a thread exactly like your problem just a couple days ago. Maybe you could search it out, and see what solution is there.