Best heli in RF to learn flying. IS the Blade 230s a wise option?


New member
Am I best learning with the Blade 230s on RF Evolution, as that has safe mode? I don't like the ONLY heli offered in training mode, as it is on stabilisers and flies awfully.
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I would agree that the 230S is a pretty good model in the sim.

I felt it needed a bit of improvement, though. It has a horrible drift to the left in the Stability/Beginner mode, so I made a mix to get rid of that rather than using a bunch of aileron trim. I also put in a pitch curve to make it hover better at mid-throttle. Rather than try to explain the details, I posted the customization file here that you can download and add to your RealFlight data folder as a custom version of the 230S. (It doesn't change the original version.)
As I’ve said many times, flying in stability mode will teach you to hold the cyclic controls for too long. if you want to be able to fly helicopters, you need to be in intermediate or full agility mode as soon as possible. I use the 230 model for sim training as I only fly micros and it’s the closest. To me now, flying in stability mode, is like having your hands tied, not much control and scary.

Learning to hover is really hard. Start tail in, then once mastered, slowly move it round to more of a sideways orientation. Eventually you’ll be able to hover all the way round. Next learn to fly in a square patten both directions, and once mastered turn that into a circle, then into a figure 8.

Helicopter flying is all about learning orientations, once you’ve finished learning all the upright ones, there’s the inverted ones too. It all takes a long time to learn. I spend an hour a night training while listening to an audio book, and I’ve clocked up 1000s of hours on the sim and still occasionally get an orientation wrong. I’m currently working on flying upright and inverted circles while rotating the helicopter. That’s something that would seem impossible when you started flying. You just have to keep trying, crashing and trying again, and eventually you can do it.