Better autos


New member
Anyone know how to bring the auto capability back? The upgrade to RF6 has degraded the auto performance to the point that aerobatic autos are impossible now. I tried all drag coefficents possible without luck. Completely unrealistic autos at the expense of doing blade stops. Not cool. Running .027
You can make adjustments to the blades that are being used on the helicopter you are flying.

In the aircraft editor.

Airframe/Fuselage/Heli-mechanics/Main rotor

In the parameter dialog "Blade Type" click on the blade name and open the rotor blades menu.

You can copy the existing blades you are using, rename them, then edit the renamed blade.

You want to edit the "Drag Coefficient Adder".

An example would be the Synergy N5C value is -.0035. You will want to stay around -.0045 to -.0025 or so. -.0045 is probably what you are looking for.

You can also adjust the Drive train Efficiency(%) on both the Heli-Mechanics and the Tail Rotor. Changes to these values will effect smaller 450 helicopters greatly.

Chris McVey


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Thanks but I did all that. the drag coefficient barely makes a difference. the autos are WAY off. I'll try it again though