BIG Tire STOL Planes


New member
Does anyone know if there are plans to include more BIG tire STOL aircraft in a future update? I would love to see the Maule M7 and the eflite Carbon Cub S+!
Yes, not much there either.

If you don't find what you want, you can make it yourself. There are plenty of tutorials here and several people to help you.

Knife Edge does not take requests for aircraft to be included in the simulator. So to get exactly what you want you're going to have to have someone make it for you or you will have to make it. Knife Edge only creates aircraft the publisher tells them to include in the simulator.
If you don't find what you want, you can make it yourself. There are plenty of tutorials here and several people to help you.

Knife Edge does not take requests for aircraft to be included in the simulator. So to get exactly what you want you're going to have to have someone make it for you or you will have to make it. Knife Edge only creates aircraft the publisher tells them to include in the simulator.

From a business perspective this makes sense. From an end user, not so much. LOL! I've downloaded 3DS Max, 2020. I'm going to play around with it for a while and see if I can get the hang of it. I feel like a good place to start is by using something from the swap page. Play with that for a while and see what I can develop. Thankfully I have access to the specs for those two aircraft!