Ted UK

BMW Laser Scheme_CS

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Can you do a blue white yellow ng scheme on this one
They take a lot of time to do...and I need to be in the mood...
If you can send photos of the plane from straight above and straight on underneath also...plus side views 90° degrees to the plane it makes it easier to transfer them into the Software...
They take a lot of time to do...and I need to be in the mood...
If you can send photos of the plane from straight above and straight on underneath also...plus side views 90° degrees to the plane it makes it easier to transfer them into the Software...
I would love to get ya some pics rn but im in spain 1200km away form my plane so maybe you could download this plane and use the uv mapping as example https://forums.realflight.com/index.php?resources/ef-extra-ng-v2-104_ea.30929/