Camera Stream Output Possible


New member
I am using Realflight Evolution with Ardupilot SITL and have loved the results. I was wondering if anyone had explored tapping the camera feed in RFE to the video input of either Mission Planner or QGroundControl? Would this even be possible with the flightaxis link?

Appreciate the help!
We're glad you have found that functionality useful!

Video output is not available through the RealFlight Link API. I wonder if you might have any luck with a screen capture utility of some kind. I don't know if anybody has attempted this.
Thanks for the suggestion Ryan. Streaming over UDP using OBS Studio and I've got the RealFlight Camera feed on Herelink controller. Pretty excited thank you for the help!
could you please share how you managed to get the video stream from the pc to display on the Herelink as a video feed