Caution 3ds Max users

Ryan Douglas

Staff member
In versions of Max after 2020, Autodesk removed support for the scanline material type which RealFlight requires. Given 1) the release of Max 2024, and 2) Autodesk's policy of only providing access to the three most recent versions, it is no longer possible to obtain and install Max 2020.

The good news is that existing Max installations will continue working. The bad news is that users who need to reinstall for any reason, as well as new users hoping to install Max and get started making RealFlight content, will be unable to create custom models.

We are working on a fix for this issue. However, some other planned improvements are closely related to these changes and it's better if we can roll them all out at once.

In the meantime, if you are using Max, please avoid uninstalling your current version or updating to a version later than 2020!

At this time we expect Blender users to be unaffected.