Changing controler to Mode 1 or 2


New member
I have just installed RealFlight Evolution and chane the controler mode from 2 to 1 any help would be great.
If you're using an InterLink DX controller, first change it to Mode 1. Change the InterLink DX itself to add the vertical self-center spring on the left stick and remove the spring from the right stick. That's done with a slide switch on the back of the InterLink DX. Instructions for making that change are on page 5 of the InterLink DX manual.

Then you need to let the software know which sticks correspond with which channels. Again, if you have the InterLink DX, then RF took care of that for you. You would change your Controller Profile from "InterLink DX" to "InterLink DX (Mode 1)". On the legacy menu, that's at Simulation > Select Controller. On the Evolution ESC menu, it's at Settings > Controller > Configure Controller.

If you like to keep the view of the little controller on your screen (the Radio Gadget) as you fly, then you'll want to tell it that you're in Mode 1. On the legacy menu, that's at Gadgets > Radio Mode (gadget only) > Mode 1. On the ESC menu, it's at Settings > User Interface > Gadgets > Radio > Radio Gadget Mode > Mode 1. As the menu implies, this setting only changes the visual for the Radio Gadget; it doesn't change your Controller Profile. That's why both steps are necessary.