Chat Thread

You are talking about "predictive" modeling.

To an extent:

I've taken an existing user created model, added in the physics per weights and dimensions ( This is the Funtana 1.00 up on the swaps ), then compared it against my real world aircraft.

My real world aircraft exhibited some quirks which the Realflight model did not exhibit.

So I adjusted the Realflight model to exhibit the same quirks.

Note: One of the surprising things I found, was that to obtain the same behaviour the Realflight model had to have it's C.G. set further BACK than in my real world plane...

This gave me a "test bed" with good fidelity, so to speak and a known good starting point.

I then used that to attempt predictive changes to my actual plane...

e.g. How it would behave with different engines, battery packs, throws, etc.

Realflight was spot on predicting all of the effects and characteristics produced by the changes...

But you have to remember that I started with a RF model that was adjusted correctly to begin with...

So "Catch 22".


Many, many, many moons ago I was asked to do some predictive modeling for satellite look-down angles. The intent was to produce an accurate prediction of what a satellite would see over it's ground track, after a specified number of future orbits, at a specific time and date.

The problem was that in order to get accurate predictions, you had to have an accurate model of the earth's gravity "geode" which changes all the time.

When I check to see how this was done, I found that the gravitational geode, was mapped via satellites...


So the predictive modeling of the lookdown, was directly dependant upon a predictive gravitational model... ARRRRGGGH!

In other words, to get an accurate predictive model, well you needed to start with an accurate predictive model...

Catch - 22.


For all of those who don't know what Catch - 22 is, well you're just too young to understand any of this anyway! :D :D :D

Read the book and watch the movie, you'll enjoy both.
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new to RF

Got G5 from my grandson for Xmas and been having fun trying to learn to fly (land). I have learned a lot by watching the Forum comments etc.. Thanks to those who have gone this way before.
Off the top of my head, recently Troy did just that.
Realflight model:
Realworld model:

There were a couple other folks, but I'm too lazy to search for it right now. :eek:

Maj. Numbskully said:
As we are well aware that folks who post EA models here go to great lengths to recreate RW aircraft for RF with similar flght physics
has any one done it the other way around...

I mean I was wondering if any one out there has ever "reverse engineered'' or
Created an origanal RW scratch built aircraft by creating and setting up the desiered Aircraft and physics model as an RF EA model first as
a test bed for thier design ?

and if so close was the RW version versus the RF model that was used to design it? (as far as physics go)
I guess the real challenge would be getting the gross wieght or various componants to wiegh the same and come in at the same wing loading etc.
if no one has ever done that it would be an interesting project to say the least
albeit expensive
Maj. Numbskully said:
As we are well aware that folks who post EA models here go to great lengths to recreate RW aircraft for RF with similar flght physics
has any one done it the other way around...

I mean I was wondering if any one out there has ever "reverse engineered'' or
Created an origanal RW scratch built aircraft by creating and setting up the desiered Aircraft and physics model as an RF EA model first as
a test bed for thier design ?

and if so close was the RW version versus the RF model that was used to design it? (as far as physics go)
I guess the real challenge would be getting the gross wieght or various componants to wiegh the same and come in at the same wing loading etc.
if no one has ever done that it would be an interesting project to say the least
albeit expensive
I've done that many times. Several of my models are based on real planes I own. Since I mostly build kits, weights are pretty easy to get (as is the odd dimension). I don't rely on RF's calculation of wing loading as I'm not positive of how they are calculating it (as I never come out with the same value), however flight performance for equal wing area and gross weight seems right on the money. Many of the times I do the RF model at the same time and set up test cases to set CG & control throws prior to the maiden flight of the real bird. That process has worked really well for me.

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Yes ,I thought that a *Catch-22 type problem would somehow probably play into it some where

One of the reasons I first purchased RF was that I saw the possibility of trying out new things (diff. batteries ,motors ,props etc.) in the "Spectra" I had at the time (or in any future aircraft that I might acquire)
in RF before trying them in mine .....however I just left mine the way it was.

*For those that don't like to read :
The most simplistic way to describe a Catch-22 problem is:
Which came first ...the chicken or the egg
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Yosarian defined "Catch-22" best though.... :D


Yeah the better the virtual test bed you start with, the better the observed simulation results reflect reality.

In the case of my Funtana, my real world Funtana had a nasty tendancy to balloon up at landing just before stall.

This caused it to rise up and pancake down onto the runway.

Once I was able to duplicate this ( and other ) behaviour in the sim, then I could make all sorts of changes to the sim model, which would mimic exactly the same changes in the real world.
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Mikeymike21 said:
Has anyone tried muting the simulator sound and play a real jet flying on youtube? its funny trying to time it to sound right. :p

No, can't say I've tried that.

It makes me wonder though how easy it would be to map sound effects of large scale planes to the ones in the sim.

Generally though, if I want larger scale flying characteristics, I just play around in FSX.
In 4.0 we had the ability to edit the engine sounds
Resonance , pitch etc. In the aircraft editor ,we lost that ability in 4.5 . But there is one workaround.....If you are able to go back to 4.0 and do the sound edit there the new sound will "stick" when you use that aircraft in 4.5 of 5.0!
many people have asked that it would be nice if we could import our own engine sounds to no avail ...lets see what the future holds :D
Just saw this thread and it does bring back some memories. I have two CDs I play while using RF - a compilation of songs by Cream, Iron Butterfly (Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida), Jimi Hendrix, Steppenwolf, and Van Halen and (that British R&B group) The Animals.

Back in '68 I was already "heavily" into heavy metal and Led Zeppelin had just formed that year. I believe Alice Cooper started in '64, Budgie (England) in '67, Cream '66, Jimi Hendrix '66 and a few others were around that predate Led Zep.

Enjoyed Led Zep's records but favored Cream, Alice Cooper, and Jimi Hendrix more.

Just wish my better half liked Heavy Metal also - I have to use a headset to listen to my "noise" or she starts looking mean.

So I now have another excuse to "practice" with RF. :)
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I'm pretty lucky with how supportive my wife is in general and how alike most of our tastes are. Other than her liking Broadway musicals, and my liking things such as Beastie Boys, Nonpoint, and System of a Down, we have fairly similar tastes in music. She's always liked it, but I've introduced her to more classic rock.
Habitual Observation

I and others have pointed out on several occasions that RF can foster habits(good and bad ones) when flying RW RC especially if you spend a long time on RF and not get out as much as you used to for various reasons
on that note I just wanted to see if any one has had this happen to them

when I first got G3 at first I found it strangely uncomfortable to use RF while sitting down as at the field as I'm sure you all do ,I allways stand

I have not done much rc flying in the real world for far to long ,until the other day when a friend came over with his Alfa 40 and we went out for about 2 hours or so It felt very uncomfortable for the first few minutes flying standing up!! :confused:
OMG I sure dont fly enough any more and i know exactly what your saying as I went from standing thumb stick to sitting finger controls and at the field now I am looking for a seat. I definatly want to make a transmitter tray so i can stand and finger stick with a rest for my wrists.
G3 G5 has definanly inproved my skills though ,,,,,big time . I never did get to fly much before yet always pushed my ability untill the fatal crash. Every time out. Still do ,but it last so much longer now lol :D
Is there an Archive for the swap page for content that is no longer available
(files that some one has taken down?) it would be nice if there was
but on second thought i can understand why there may not be ...confilcts with modelers EA files that where taken down for one reason or another and the re posted right?

Are the parts at the Parts Repository scaleable (size) or do they have to be used at what ever scale they were created?
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The parts in the repository are actual 3D models in source format, you can do anything with them you like. All most modelers request is that you give credit to the creator if you use one of their parts.